all postcodes in TF9 / MARKET DRAYTON

find any address or company within the TF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF9 3AA 10 5 52.907452 -2.486772
TF9 3AB 3 0 52.904999 -2.489333
TF9 3AD 26 1 52.904935 -2.489644
TF9 3AE 8 0 52.904966 -2.486493
TF9 3AF 1 1 52.906313 -2.486775
TF9 3AH 6 1 52.908298 -2.489266
TF9 3AL 22 4 52.908735 -2.485925
TF9 3AP 14 0 52.907274 -2.489269
TF9 3AQ 10 0 52.901624 -2.493888
TF9 3AR 30 0 52.906428 -2.489527
TF9 3AS 2 0 52.905555 -2.488892
TF9 3AT 24 0 52.905864 -2.490442
TF9 3AU 25 0 52.905119 -2.487891
TF9 3AX 13 6 52.903998 -2.485768
TF9 3AY 33 0 52.903613 -2.487459
TF9 3AZ 8 0 52.903286 -2.488481
TF9 3BA 9 1 52.903037 -2.489831
TF9 3BB 13 0 52.902845 -2.488476
TF9 3BD 26 1 52.904359 -2.492002
TF9 3BE 2 0 52.905248 -2.493706